Mistakes You Want to Avoid When Decluttering | REIN.com

Mistakes You Want to Avoid When Decluttering

Warmer weather may have you in the mood to reset your space by decluttering those areas that have become overrun with items you should have parted with months ago. Entering a new season with clarity of mind and a refreshed atmosphere can make you fall in love with your home all over again. Before you pick up the mop and microfiber duster, make sure you avoid these decluttering mistakes.

Starting Without A Plan
Don’t just start packing things in boxes and throwing things in the trash from every room in the house. Have a plan. Without a plan, you leave yourself open to distractions and setbacks. Start with smaller rooms and tasks and work your way up to the larger ones. 

Over Committing
You may be tempted to tackle your entire house, but doing this can quickly leave you feeling overwhelmed once you start working. Take on one room at a time or even take on a portion of a room at a time. If taking on your entire bedroom is too much, start with tackling your closet. Focusing on a more targeted area will help boost your confidence when you need to take on larger spaces.

Getting Too Sentimental
We are emotionally connected to things. That’s part of the reason we find ourselves accumulating so much clutter over the years. Holding on to your child’s first tricycle may evoke warm feelings of a time long gone, but in reality it’s only taking up space in your garage. Strolling down memory lane can keep you stuck. Next thing you know all the time you had planned for your decluttering project is gone. If you’re too attached to make any progress, save sentimental items for last. 

Getting Stuck On The Little Things
Focusing on the small stuff can derail your project as well. Start big and end small. Take a step back and assess how the room functions and what would make the most impact on your daily routine. Color coordinating coffee mugs may not be the best use of your time when you have an entire kitchen to organize.

Throwing Things Away Instead of Donating
Maybe holding on to things isn't your problem, but throwing everything away is. Before you just dump everything in the garbage, assess what is gently used that can possibly be donated. Thrift stores and consignment shops may be an option for you. With the right organization you could plan for a garage sale for the items that could be of use to someone else. Be sure to actually plan and execute the garage sale so the items you intend to sell don't turn into another pile you have to declutter a few months from now.

If you’re taking on the task of decluttering your home with hopes to list, connect with more than 9,000 agents who can help you navigate the Hampton Roads housing market. Ready to buy but not sure what you can afford? Check out the mortgage calculator to help estimate possible monthly payments. Download the REIN.com app and put the power of fresh and accurate listing data in the palm of your hand. The app is available free in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. For local listings you can trust, start with REIN.com.

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